Friday, December 26, 2008

Sean Connery and Kim Basinger do the Tango

Watched lots of James Bond movies over the holiday weekend - (My husband loves James Bond) I noticed one ballroom scene in Never Say Never Again that I'd not noticed before - it was not technically a very good execution of ballroom dance, but it was dramatic.

James Bond (Sean Connery) was challenged to a video game where he pitted his skills against the Maximillion Largo, a Spectre Agent. (of course.) Bond won an obscene amount of money, but then told Largo that he would accept, in lieu of the money, "one dance with Domino."

Domin0 (Kim Basinger) and Bond then dance a tango, during which Bond informs Domino that her boyfriend as a bad dude and has in fact killed her brother. Of course they have to keep dancing so that they don't alert Largo to the content of their conversation.

Although Bond movies are usually more about explosions, car chases and cool toys, I thought it was interesting that the suave, debonair spy also knows how to use a tango in a dramatic moment.

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